Tuesday, November 1, 2016

We are free to choose but we are not free from the consequence

Very powerful!  You have free will you can choose how you want to live your life.  The issue is you're not free from the consequences of your choice.

 So many times we do things we want to do and don't ever think of the consequence of our choices until after.  It is a universal paradox. To choose contradicts itself because if you choose you are free but you're not really free if you have a consequence aren't you?

It contradicts itself but nevertheless is true! That's life!  Being free does not necessary make you free of consequences it makes you free from choice. We all have a choice but with every choice there is  a  a consequences so we shall always think before we choose!

This statement is really about accountability. As you get older you are able to make more decisions on your own. This helps you utilize morals and ethics you were taught. Whatever you decide to do you have to live with the outcomes. This means good or bad. One you have made the choice you cannot changes what happens as a result. There is always room after to try another method but the initial consequence will still stand. Try to think what the best outcome/consequence is when making life choices. You may pick the best one and it still may not give you the result you are looking for but it is part of maturity and growth to accept that. As my mother would say: "Welcome to the real world"!


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! One must be held accountable for ones actions!

  2. Care to share a consequence from one of YOUR choices??

    1. I guess one would be not going straight through getting my masters and having to do it later in life. It's really hard because I am a mom. If I had listened to my dad I guess I would not be doing it now, but it is never to late!

  3. You are very right Julie. The consequences we make need to be accounted for. Therefore we Know what we did you may not have the right to put the bad that we did with out choosing any actions into play. But we may be able to be chosen freely without any bad doing.

  4. Yes, Kaitlynn all actions need to be accounted for. Every thing we do has a consequence. Thank you.

  5. Yea! everyone should take responsibility for their actions.

  6. I love this quote. My dad used to say something very similar to this when I was younger. He would always remind us that we have the ability to make any decision we want but sometimes bad decisions lead us to consequences that ends up making choices for us that we would not have chosen.

  7. Every kids should be aware of this quote at an early age.
